Friday, March 18, 2022

 Today is March 18, 2022 and in Sept of this year I will be turning 72. The years are creeping up on me but I don't feel like an old man. I still have energy and my mind is well, somewhat sharp. Like a dinner knife, you know the one you use to spread butter on your toast. Works good if the butter is soft.

I tried to do this blog thing before but with life getting in the way, I let it slip by. In 2020, the world was inflicted with a virus which caused a pandemic. Thousands died and to this day, the effects are still being felt.

During the pandemic many of us were in lockdown. That means we were not allowed to go anywhere. They called it social distancing. So we stayed home and did what we could to survive. Things are slowly getting back to normal, well, as normal as it could be with a war going on.

As for me, I finally got back into writing. I enjoyed the time I spent creating and writing stories and poetry. I did not put myself into one genre as I read everything that's out there. So I wrote the stories, mystery, drama, and comedy and put them into a book. Publishing it was a pure excitement. I had been a success merely by publishing my first book. It is titled Its A Family Tradition. I wanted people to read it but if they didn't, I still considered it a success.

I didn't stop there. I compiled all of my poetry into another book. I called it A Spirit of Humanity. Then I began to think of what the other seniors were doing while cooped up in their homes. Where I live, many of my neighbors loved doing the crossword puzzles in the newspaper. I also knew there were so many different kinds of puzzles so...I created my own puzzles and put them in a book. I called it the Baby Boomers Big Book of Brain Bafflers. Inside I also put a new kind of puzzle I call Ponder Puzzles. They take a weird mind to solve. Hey, it took a weird mind to create them.

The for the ladies, men too if they feel so inclined, a journal. It asks the important questions you might need to answer or want to question. Cue in soft music and a smooth glass of wine.

In keeping with the population, I wrote a mystery. Set in the area where I once lived, it tells how a death affects a family. It's titled The Sadness of Bridge Morgan.

I keep writing, as you might have noticed. I will add to this blog as the days progress. Keep you up to date on my authorship and maybe include an excerpt or two from my books. I call them excerpts but you might refer to them as cheap advertising.

So in the end, the book you read, is equal to the love you give. Salute'

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