Tuesday, August 27, 2024

 Today was a typical day. Doctor visit and going to the post office. The heat was still turned up outside. It was another day of above 100 temp. I am so looking forward to a nice cool breeze.

 Thing is, we moved down here to be in the warmer weather. We just could not live in a nother winter of below zero temps. And with my heart the way it is, I could not shovel that snow anymore. So we moved to Louisiana.

It was in October so we came to cool weather and beautiful skies. While the temps back at our old home dropped every day and snow came in. We went from 6 months of winter to three months of mother nature turning her oven up. It was hot in June and July but when August hit, it was HOT. The heat index made it hotter and the humidity made us sweat like water being poured over our backs as we walked from the door to the car. Then the unspeakable happened. Our car's a/c broke and the only cool air we got was when I drove with the windows down. My dad would all that Down-40 A/C. Driving with the windows down at 40mph.

Got some good news. We have a granddaughter who lives up in Minnesota and shehas two sets of twins. Both sets are boys. Well, a friend who works for a movie producer told her they were filming in a town close by and they were looking for twins to portray the children of the lead stars. After seeing the twins, they accepted them. One set of twins are less than 1 year old and the others are 7 so they both get to be in the film. 

    Mama told them they were just like grandpa, that's me. I too was in a movie back in the early 80s. With Mel Gibson and Sissy Spacek. This was back in his days right after Mad Max. It was a movie called The River. It was fun to be in, a lot of work though. I might bring that movie up on my computer to watch again. It's been awhile.

I told you about excerpts from my books, well here is one from my book, Sadness of Bridge Morgan. It takes place in the same town were my daughter and granddaughter live. Not a true story.


Bridge Morgan was a big man. Six foot six at least and two hundred eighty pounds. All muscle. A giant of a man, broad at the shoulder and narrow at the hip, like the old Jimmy Dean song says. He was a man that could hold a bale of hay on each of his shoulders while running to catch a calf that had escaped from its pen. Bridge was indeed a powerful man but also a gentle man. He was a hard worker who never caused anyone any trouble, in fact, everyone in town always had good words to say about him. Whenever he came to town, he always had a smile on his face.

Today that smile was not there. I saw him as he walked into the Spring Valley police station. He was not smiling, in fact he had the look of a man who was burdened with a terrible load on those broad shoulders. A load that must be thrust off or it would destroy him.

My name is James Bradley Foxx. Everyone around here just calls me JB. I am a deputy with the Fillmore County Sheriff's office.

The county supplies deputies to take care of any issues that may came up in the towns that did not the budget to have their own police force. All the deputies in the county have done duty in Spring Valley at one time or another, today just happened to be my time. Spring Valley is set deep in the fields of southern Minnesota. It is called a bedroom town where fifty percent of the population works up in the big city and the other fifty percent are farmers. Bridge Morgan is one of those farmers.

“Morning, deputy.” He was one of the people who always called me JB. Why was today different?

“Morning, Bridge. Why the long face this morning? You look like you lost your best cow.”

My little attempt at humor went by without reply. He seemed like he didn’t want to face me, his head hung down. In a quiet but serious tone he spoke.

“No, no, I have something more hurtful than that to tell you. Actually it’s more of a confession really.” I tried to look into his eyes but he kept his head down looking at the floor.

Never seeing a smile told me that what he was about to say could bring the man to tears, only, I’ve never seen this man cry about anything.

He raised his head and looked me straight in the eye, and I could see the wetness in his eyes.

“I want to confess to a murder. I..I killed Eric. This morning I killed my son.”

Monday, August 26, 2024

 I have been inspired to start again. I have been reading blogs by others and stories written by old friends. I went into old posts on old websites and found that maybe I wasn't so bad after all. Life does get in the way of doing something you have been wanting to do for a long time but if I struggle then it must be for a good reason.

During the pandemic I wrote a lot and had put together a book of my writings. I wrote poetry, and short stories, and short essays but I also created a puzzle book. I was very proud of myself because I had finally accomplished something. The first book had a lot of errors and the story was not very adventurous but it contained recipes given to me by my mother. She is gone now but I have the recipes to help remember her by, 

Hopefully as time went on, I improved in my writing. In fact I know there is a lot to improve on. There maybe some issues with what I have written but I consider the books as bad pennys. There may be mistakes made in the manufacture of the pennys but over time they become worth more than what they were meant for.

These are the books I have published for now. I hope to continue my writing and will fill another picture with more books. If you want to read any of them feel free to order them from Amazon. The first book I mentioned is not in the picture. It's called "A Family Tradition". Starting tomorrow I will post an excerpt from one of my books. I may also add a story I have written lately. 
Drop a line to me at hmartin1505@gmail.com if you want to comment. If you don't like what I write then let me know. At least then I will know you have read it.