Sunday, January 8, 2023

Soo I have spending these past few days around the house basically doing nothing. I was told not to lift anything heavy and to rest as much as possible to let my heart and the entry point heal.

Doing nothing you realize there are so many things you miss doing. But as time goes on I gingerly start to do things again. 

We finally got the Christmas decorations off the front door and the tree came down. We still have the ornaments in their bags but I have to wait another couple of days to go get the tubs for them. Then maybe we can be normal again, at least as close to normal as we can.

I will try to post here as much as possible. I know I have time but the writing in me does not have the same appeal as it used to be. I want to write, I feel I need to write, but like a lot of things, I have lost interest. Writing on this blog may help me get back into the groove.

Outside the snow is still there, the cold will not let it melt. The look of winter is beautiful to some but all I see is cold and snow and ice. I am so looking forward to warmer temps again. I hate having to put on boots and coats and gloves and a hat just to go to the grocery store for a couple of items. The store is right behind where I live but I still take the van rather than walk. Too much ice and snow makes the walk dangerous.

Well off for now now. If something else exciting happens, I will be sure to let you know.

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